Sunday, Feb 23rd

Last updateSun, 21 Feb 2021 9am

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G Nikas2

Lab. Photos of Embryo-transfer

The embryo(s) are transferred by a thin soft catheter


embryo-transfer embryo-catheter


Embryotransfer through the microscope

emrbyotransfer The embryo transfer catheter and 3 embryos.
embryotransfer-picture The embryos are drawn into the catheter.

Picture of an embryo seen through the transparent catheter. The catheter is then handed to the Gynaecologist.




Ultra-sound pictures of the embryo-transfer.........


ultrasound Ultrasound view of an embryotransfer.
ultrasound_embryos High-lighted is the structure of the uterus.
ultrasound-transfer The catheter.
embryo-transfer The transfer fluid containing the embryos is
placed in the uterus.
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