Sunday, Mar 09th

Last updateSun, 21 Feb 2021 9am

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Intra -Uterine Insemination - IUI

IUI may be the first step towards dealing with infertility. Fertilisation occurs not in vitro (in the laboratory) but physiologically in the fallopian tubes
Simply, insemination is timed to coincide with ovulation to increase the chance of fertilisation occurring.
This method is used when the following criteria are met:
A) The fallopian tubes are not blocked.
B) The age of the female patient is not prohibiting. In many cases the age of the patient determines whether IUI is appropriate or whether IVF should be performed.
C) The semen analysis has revealed that the man has sufficient number and motility of spermatozoa to proceed with IUI

IUI is simpler and a lot more economical than in vitro fertilization.
Assuming the above conditions are met the course of treatment can be very successful especially if the procedure is repeated over several months
The number of attempts will be discussed and reviewed to you by your gynaecologist.

Ovulation occurs in the middle of a 28 day menstrual cycle and usually a single oocyte is released from one of the ovaries and travels down the fallopian tubes. From the millions of sperm released, only one will fertilize the oocyte. Fertilization occurs at the proximal end of the fallopian tubes close to the uterus. The embryo then implants into the wall of the uterus a few days later.

Follicular development (maturation of the egg) and ovulation will be monitored by ultrasound scans. When the criteria is met according to size of follicle(s) and oestradiol hormone levels, the time of insemination will be arranged with you.

The timing of insemination is aimed to achieve the best chance of fertilization.

Usually an injection of HCG will be given to induce ovulation, with the IUI performed approximately 38 hours afterwards

The embryologist will prepare the semen sample by concentrating the most motile spermatozoa in a small volume of culture medium. The Gynaecologist by using a catheter will inject the purified sample into the uterus.

The insemination procedure is not painful performed without anesthetic and only takes a few minutes.

In many cases you will take additional hormones (HMG) to produce more then one oocyte

Diagnostic laparoscopy is a procedure for examining the abdominal organs.
In the field of infertility, laparoscopy  can give important information on the patient's Reproductive health (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes).
This procedure can diagnose problems such as adhesions, cysts and endometriosis.



Diagnostic laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia- Requires to holes (diameter 1 cm). Occasionally, the need for a third incision is needed.
After laparoscopy woman can leave the hospital after recovering from the anesthesia.
