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Giles Palmer is a reproductive biologist skilled at laboratory management.
Besides being a senior clinical embryologist he has held such positions as Clinic Director and Business & Quality Manager.

After graduating in Genetics at Leeds University, UK he attained a position as research officer at London's Hammersmith Hospital's acclaimed IVF unit working with Professor Lord Winston and Alan Handyside.
After a consultancy position for Iceland's first IVF Unit (University Hospital, Reykjavik) he moved to Greece in 1992.
Since moving to Greece, he has worked in the largest IVF units in Athens. He was Director of the highly successful Assisted Reproduction Unit at Mitera hospital in Athens 2002-2016.
His collaboration with St. Sophia's Children's Hospital (Athens University) resulted in the first birth in Greece following embryo-biopsy and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, and has led to publications in Leading Scientific journals concerning many topics including Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis for Cystic Fibrosis and B-thalassaemia. 

He is a member of ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology), ACE (Association of Clinical Embryologists) ALPHA (Reproductive biology Scientists), PEKE (Greek Society of Clinical Embryologists) , SLTB (Society of Low Temperature Biology) and has been accredited with Senior Embryologist Status by ESHRE.

More recently he has become a spokesman and product developer in a wide range of subjects within the industry including Cleanroom technology; Quality management; risk assessment of clinics and cryo-storage facilities while operating a consultancy company for IVF laboratories- Kosmogonia Ltd.

Giles is a frequent invited speaker at International Conferences and author of several chapters in books concerning assisted reproduction and is an advocate of precision embryology.

He has been one of the core members of  the not-for-profit “International IVF Initiative” which aimed to provide a platform where societies could continue the professional education during the COVID-19 pandemic by following or organising seminars and conference on-line for free. This helped professions on timely scientific knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 and its implication to IVF treatment through organising two special webinars. 

He has been host, panellist and speaker topics included quality control, artificial intelligence in assisted reproductive technologies, robotics, and cryopreservation reaching audiences frequently over 1000 subscribers

The collaboration with occupational psychologist, Dr Bryan Tully, brought the subject of leadership, occupational demands and mental health issues in the profession of clinical embryology to the forefront producing  a unique wellbeing survey (Embryologists: Occupational Demand & Resultant Stress Outcomes Survey).


Co-author A practical guide to setting up an IVF lab" published by Jaypee Medical PublishersThe Future of IVF.
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers. ISBN 10: 9350905167

Co-author: Principles and Practice of Assisted Reproductive Technology,Vol 2 Chapter: Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, Publisher: Jaypee Brothers
ISBN 10: 9350907364

Co-author: Clean Room Technology in ART Clinics: A Practical Guide. CRC Press ISBN 10: 1482254077

Palmer GA. Qc in the Clouds: Digitizing Quality Control. InTextbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques 2023 Dec 13 (pp. 20-28). CRC Press.


Palmer G.The difficulties of Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis of Beta Thalassaemia. Conference of Clinical Geneticists,Ioannina. 1995
Palmer G. Preliminary studies of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for Beta thalassaemia in Greece. . 12th Annual Meeting of ESHRE , Maastricht, Netherlands. 1996.

Palmer G. Pre-implantation Diagnosis of Inherited Diseases. 1st International Conference of the Association of Fulbrite Scholars. Delphi, Greece. 2000

Palmer G. Practical Considerations and Problems in Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis. Greek Association of Clinical Embryologists “ Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis”. Athens, Greece. 2000

Μορφολογικά χαρακτηριστικά του ζυγώτη και εγκυμοσύνη-Μελέτη με τη βοήθεια ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή. Τ. Τριανταφύλλου, Β. Καλλέργη, G.A. Palmer.
9' Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μαιευτικής & Γυναικολόγιας. Ιουνιου 2003

Palmer G. Excellence in an IVF Laboratory. MITERA 2009 . “EXCELLENCE IN I.V.F" - Conference, Athens

Palmer G. Medical services as a source of tourism. Greek Society of Travel and Tourism Enterprises.
Υποβοηθούμενη Γονιμοποίηση (in-vitro fertilization – IVF) Ιατρικές Υπηρεσίες ως Πηγή Ζήτησης Τουριστικών Υπηρεσιών-Επιστήμη & Επιχειρηματικότητα: Συμμαχίες & Συνεργασίες.Στο πλαίσιο της έκθεσης Xenia. 2009. ATHENS METROPOLITAN EXPO - Διεθνής Αερολιμένας Αθηνών




Palmer G. "The Modern IVF laboratory" First Obstetric & Gynaecological Conference of Hygeia Hospital Tirana. Hygeia Hospital Tirana, Albania, 3rd December, 2010.

Palmer G. "The Modern IVF Lab for Romania" Meeting at Regina Maria, Bucharest, Romania 28th Nov. 2011

Palmer G. "Time lapse observations in pre-implantation embryos and factors effecting implantation potential". Meeting: «New Developments in Assisted Reproduction (IVF)» at ΜΗΤΕΡΑ 2nd Dec. .2011 see presentation

Giles Palmer Time-Lapse Photography of embryo development. Assisted Reproduction - New Horizons. 17th-18th March, 2012 at Mitera Hospital, Athens See the talk


Palmer Giles. Designer babies, fact or fiction? 2nd conference of Academy of Clinical Embryologists, Bengalure, India. 10th-11th August, 2013

Palmer Giles. Developments in the IVF lab. 2nd conference of Academy of Clinical Embryologists, Bengalure, India. 10th-11th August, 2013

Giles Palmer. Time lapse observations of pre-implantation embryos.4th Congress of The Society of ReproductiveMedicine, Turkey26 -29 Sept.2013

Giles Palmer How external factors affect the morphodynamic behaviour of the human embryo? 4th Congress of The Society of ReproductiveMedicine, Turkey.26 -29 Sept.2013

Giles Palmer The Role of the IVF Laboratory when IVF fails. 13th Dec 2014 Assisted Reproduction Conference (Dept Gynaecology-Naval Hospital ). Naval Museum.

Giles Palmer  Time-lapse in routine IVF: experience, benefits and directions. Turkish Society of Clinical Embryology Congress 2015, Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus.



Giles Palmer "Time lapse embryo monitoring: hype-hope and everyday use",Mitera IVF, 2016

Giles Palmer MSc in Reproduction & Development at Bristol University "Quality in ART"

Giles Palmer " Is the IVF Industry Ready for Cleanroom Technology?" Cleanzone Middle East, Dusit Thani, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 18th-19th September, 2019.

 Palmer GA, Parker PA,Dawson- Smith KJ,.Igbokwe, NN.  Improving sample identification and reducing risks during cryostorage of vitrified gametes and embryos using radio frequency identification (RFID) tags that operate while samples are immersed in liquid nitrogen., SLTB 2019 – Seville, 04 October 2019


Scientific papers/ Scientific abstracts

Davis S., Mastrominas M., Palmer G., et al. Male factor in IVF: Where to draw the line? 9th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Thessaloniki, Greece. 1993.

Mastrominas M., Pistofidis G., Palmer G., et al. Embryo quality and endometrial thickness can predict IVF outcome. 9th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Thessaloniki, Greece. 1993.

Pistofidis G., Mastrominas M., Palmer G., et al. Poor response in superovulation for IVF: cancel or go ahead? . 9th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Thessaloniki, Greece. 1993.

Pistofidis G., Mastrominas M., Palmer G., et al. Pattern of endometrial development and IVF pregnancy outcome. 10th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Brussels, Belgium.1994.

Maragou R., Davies S., Palmer G., et al. Significance of the rate of oestradiol increase during ovarian stimulation in relation to IVF outcome. 10th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Brussels, Belgium.1994.



Pistofidis G., Davies S., Palmer G., et al. Significance of the presence of endometrial polyps in the IVF setting. 20th Hellenic Medical Congress, Athens. 1994.

Davis S., Mastrominas M., Palmer G., et al. Significance of patient selection for the success of ICSI. 20th Hellenic Medical Congress, Athens. 1994.

Palmer G., Traeger-Synodinou J., Tzeti M., et al. The difficulties of Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis of Beta Thalassaemia. Conference of Clinical Geneticists,Ioannina. 1995.

Palmer G., Traeger-Synodinou J., Tzeti M., et al. Preliminary studies of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for Beta thalassaemia in Greece. . 12th Annual Meeting of ESHRE , Maastrict, Netherlands. 1996.

Traeger-Synodinou J., Palmer G., Tzeti M., et al. Preliminary studies on the feasibility of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for Beta thalassaemia. 6th International Conference on Thalassaemia, Malta 1997.

Traeger-Synodinou J., Palmer G., Tzeti M., et al. Preliminary studies on the feasibility of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for Beta thalassaemia. European Society of Human Genetics, Genoa, Italy. 1997.

Kanavakis E., Palmer G., Tzeti M., et al. Mutation analysis of the CFTR Gene in patients with CBAVD and obstructive azzospermia (OA). 21st European CF Conference, Davos, Switzerland. 1997.

Davis S., Palmer G., Mastrominas, M., et al. Preferred method of TESE: 24hrs prior to oocyte recovery. 1st Hellenic Conference on Fertility and Sterility. Athens. 1997.

Davis S., Palmer G., Argirou M., et al. Cryopreservation of individual spermatozoa after TESE. . 1st Hellenic Conference on Fertility and Sterility. Athens. 1997.

PGD Conf picture 1

Traeger-Synodinou J., Palmer G., Tzeti M., et al. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for Beta-thalassaemia. Medizische Genetic (9) 1999.

Traeger-Synodinou J., Palmer G., Vrettou C., et al. Application of DGGE analysis for accurate detection of B-globin genotypes. 4th International Congress- Young Women at the Rise of the 21st Century. 1998.

Εργασίες / Άρθρα Kanavakis E., Vrettou C., Palmer G., et al. (1999) Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in 10 couples at risk for transmitting Beta-thalassaemia Major: Clinical experience including six singleton pregnancies. Prenat. Diagn. 19, 1217-1222.

Vrettou C., Palmer G., Kanavakis E., et al. (1999) A widely applicable strategy for single cell genotyping of Beta-thalassaemia using DGGE analysis: application to pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. . Prenat. Diagn. 19, 1209-1216.

Palmer G., Davies S., Kanavakis E., et al. (2002) Pregnancies following pre-implantation genetic diagnosis after blastocyst stage transfer. Hum. Repro. 17(1), 25-31.

C.Vrettou, M.Tzetis, J.Traeger-Synodinow, G.Palmer, E.Kanavakis. (2002) Multiplex sequence variation detection throughout the CFTR gene appropriate for preimplantation genetic diagnosis in populations with heterogeneity of cystic fibrosis mutations. Mol. Hum. Reprod., September 1, 2002, 8(9). 880-886

J. Traeger-Synodinos, C. Vrettou, G. Palmer et al An evaluation of PGD in clinical genetic services through 3 years application for prevention of {beta}-thalassaemia major and sickle cell thalassaemia Mol. Hum. Reprod., May 1, 2003; 9(5): 301 - 307.

C. Vrettou, J. Traeger-Synodinos, G. Palmer et al. Real time PCR for single cell genotyping in sickle cell and thalassemia syndromes. Hum. Mutatation., May, 2004,23(5): 513- 521.


Christofidou C; Sofocleous C; Vrettou C; Destouni A; Traeger-Synodinos J; Kekou K; Palmer G; Kokkali G; Mavrou A; Kitsiou S; Kanavakis E
PGD for X-linked and gender-dependent disorders using a robust, flexible single-tube PCR protocol. Reproductive biomedicine online 2009;19(3):418-25.

A.D. Sialakouma, G.A. Palmer ,M. Mpotsaki, X. Papanikou,N.M. Vaxevanidis. Establishment of Quality management system in clinical laboratories according to the ISO 15189 – Evaluation of the benefits of implementation in an Assisted Reproduction Laboratory. ICQME 2010, 2010, Montenegro.

G.Palmer. Improving air quality in ART Laboratories. Fertility Magazine ESHRE edition 2010.

Ζervomanolakis Ι., Palmer G., Sofoudis Χ et al. Development of a diffusion system for stimulation and maturation of ovarian tissue. 3rd Hellenic Conference for Gyneacological Endocrinology 2011-Scientific Content Award

G. Palmer 2011 ACE Newsletter March:Vol 1. Improving Air Quality in IVF Laboratories

Panagiotis Karantzis, Andreas Makris, Angiolina Kouri, Giles Palmer, Stavros Kousoulakos (2011) The impact of the fragment sperm-DNA in a successful IVF pregnancy. 9th International Scienfic Meeting. Royal college of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. pp51

Pribenszky, C., Losonczi, E., Kuron, B., Reaichardt, A., Palmer, G., Hlinka, D., ASRM 2013 San Diego Effect of maternal factors and culture conditions on in vitro embryo development – a multicenter retrospective study, pilot results

2015 Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics Jan 2015 "Morphokinetic parameters of early embryo development via time lapse monitoring and their effect on embryo selection and ICSI outcomes"  

IMG 0039 1 

Giles Palmer A.Sialakouma  Botsaki  A Makris Appraisal of embryo quality prior to embryo transfer: Where are we now? "Themata" - Official Journal of the Union of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Greece, in the October - November - December 2015, Issue 3, Volume 1

The changing role of the embryologist - data management in an electronic age. Catarina Moreira, Peter Sprober, Anna Mclaughlin, Giles Palmer, Jeanette Mackenzie • London Women's Clinic Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom P 0066 11th Alpha Biennial Conference5th-8th of May, 2016 Copenhagen, Denmark.



Should ART clinics move towards a freeze all embryo policy for every patient?
Andrew Thomson, Melanie Meredith, Marta Sala, Peter Sprober, Giles Palmer, Spiros A. Liatsikos, Hemlata Thackare
Fertility (BFS) Conference. ICC Birmingham, Jan 3-5. 2019


Palmer G.A, Kratkab C, Szvetecz S., Fiser G., Fiser S., Sanders C., Tomkin G., Szvetecz M.A., Cohen J.  A comparison among 36 assisted reproduction laboratories monitoring the environmental conditions and instrument parameters using the same quality control application. 2019 RBMO


Andrew Thomson, Giles Palmer,Dr Thomas Woolley, Dr Katerina Kaouri, Melanie Meredith, Marta Sala, Dr Spiros A. Liatsikos, Dr Hemlata Thackare. Should IVF clinics adopt a universal freeze only (UFO) policy or should it only be applied to specific groups? ISIVF, Barcelona 24-26 Oct 2019

Giles A. Palmer, Sarah Szvetecz,  Caroline Kratka, Geraldine Fiser, Stephen Fiser, Cody Sanders, Giles Tomkin, Mary Ann Szvetecz, Jacques Cohen Instrumentation Monitoring Diligence in IVF Laboratories Worldwide ISIVF, Barcelona 24-26 Oct 2019

Giles Palmer - Data Processing and Quality Control in IVF. The Ninth Annual Southwest Embryology Summit, Sheraton Mesa Hotel at Wrigleyville West, Mesa, AZ, January 4 - 5, 2020

Thomson Andrew, Palmer Giles, Sprober Peter, Meredith Melanie, Thackare Hemlata, Macklon Nick, Ahuja Kamal. The Geri time-lapse incubator significantly improves multiple IVF laboratory outcomes compared to conventional benchtop incubation. Fertility 2020, 9 – 11 January 2020, EICC Edinburgh

Thomson Andrew, Palmer Giles, Wen Lihua, Wang Jinjun, Linara-Demakakou Elena, Sprober Peter, Meredith Melanie, Thackare Hemlata, Macklon Nick, Ahuja Kamal (P119) Transporting vitrified donor eggs does not affect success: a review of 220 cycles. Fertility 2020, 9 – 11 January 2020, EICC Edinburgh

Timothy Ostler, Thomas E. Woolley, Karl Swann, Andrew Thomson, Helen Priddle, Giles Palmer, Katerina Kaouri,
Vitrifying multiple embryos in different arrangements does not alter the cooling rate,

Giles Palmer, Bryan Tully, Marlane Angle, Shaista Sandruddin, Colin Howles, Thomas Elliott, Sarah Szvetecz , Zsolt Peter Nagy, Jacques Cohen
Occupational demands and resultant stress of reproductive scientists: Outcomes from an international survey.
BEST POSTER AWARD Fertility 2022

Makri Christianna, Giles Palmer,Eros Nikitos, Triantafillos Triantafillou, Mitrodora Botzaki, Panagiotis Psathas, Konstantinos Kostaras, Konstantinos Dimitropoulos, Themis Mantzavinos.
Detailed cryostore analysis as a tool to determine clinic policy on sample management and ongoing demands.
Accepted Fertility 2022

Alison Campbell, Jacques Cohen, Kristen Ivani, Dean Morbeck, Giles Palmer, Sharon Mortimer,
The in vitro fertilization laboratory: teamwork and teaming, Fertility and Sterility,Volume 117, Issue 1, 2022, 27-32,

Canosa S, Maggiulli R, Cimadomo D, Innocenti F, Fabozzi G,Gennarelli G, Revelli A, Bongioanni F, Vaiarelli A, Ubaldi FM, Rienzi L, Palmer GA, Nijs M. Cryostorage management of reproductive cells and tissues in ART: status, needs, opportunities, and potential new challenges
Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 2023 Jun 22.

Palmer GA, Tomkin G, Alcalá HE, Ruiz GM, Cohen J. The Internet of Things in assisted reproduction. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 2023 Aug 11:103338.

Farlie F, Palmer GA, Cohen J, Calcagni C, Gorbunova A, Lawford Davies J, Loscher C, O'Raghallaigh R, Sharp T, Smale D, Sörme P, Thiel CL, Alteri A, Campbell A, Crompton K, Mortimer S, Pisaturo V, Tolpe A, Alikani M. Sustainability in the IVF laboratory: recommendations of an expert panel. Reprod Biomed Online. 2024 Jan;48(1):103600. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2023.103600. Epub 2023 Oct 12. PMID: 38039562.




CRYOGOVERNANCE™ is the total management of procuring, processing, storing, transporting and thawing of biological samples stored at cryogenic temperature

More specifically,
CRYOGOVERNANCE is the way an organisation or individual processes and handles frozen biological samples. The way it manages the storage and transportation; covering areas such as the safety, traceability, custody, record keeping and informational aspects of its frozen state throughout its duration in cryogenic temperatures.

In the case of storage of Human cells used for assisted reproduction, biomedical therapy or research it would also include issues of confidentiality and data protection



kosmogonia IVF press-IVF blog: a supplement to the website "Kosmogonia IVF information"-
more up to date-more interactive-more news!!!

Mitera IVF Unit -Our team of certified clinicians are specialized in Assisted Reproductive Technologies and gained significant professional experience in Greece and abroad.

Fertility Road-Europes No.1 fertility Magazine


HFEA - Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority
Independent Governmental watchdog, controlling and monitoring Assisted Reproduction and embryo research. Information on IVF statistics and Infertility treatment.


ASRM - American Society of Reproductive Medicine


Kiveli (tel +30210-7562375, Mon,Wed,Thu 17:00-21:00)
The Greek Society for Fertility Support. The first support group in Greece for fertility issues.
(Κυβέλη Το Σωματείο Υποστήριξης Γονιμότητας 'ΚΥΒΕΛΗ' είναι σωματείο αλληλοϋποστήριξης των υπογόνιμων ζευγαριών στην Ελλάδα).

Magna Mater (Παναγή Τσαλδάρη 38, 172 34 τηλ. 210-9011706, fax 210-9011176)

The aim of the group is to support and inform infertile couples.


NHS-National Health Service of UK with information on infertility and treatment the sister site to


Learn Genetics Are you confused about info regarding DNA and genes, hereditary and genetic disease? try this amazing site!!!


Inheriting Genetic Conditions-all about Inheriting genetic conditions-check out the PDF files that explain in plain language-what's what!



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