Sunday, Mar 09th

Last updateSun, 21 Feb 2021 9am

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G Nikas2

Negative Test result

After a negative pregnancy test, what next?

The next step is to call your gynaecologist to arrange an appointment.
The information and advice given by him and his co-workers are important for a complete evaluation of the IVF attempt.
Although there are still many unknown reasons why IVF fails and the cause, may frequently, not be found but it is helpful to ask the following questions and see what can be changed to improve the chance of a pregnancy.

Was fertilisation satisfactory?
Were the oocytes mature/good quality?
Was the percentage of fertilized oocytes good? Maybe ICSI is required next time?

Was there a problem with the embryo transfer (smooth entrance by the catheter into the uterus via the vagina)?
Usually photographs are given. Were the embryos of good quality?

How many times shall we do IVF?
This question is very personal and depends entirely on you. Of course, fertility experts and co-workers can advise you but the important thing is to assess if the next cycle of IVF can be an improvement of the one before.
For example:

Maybe a different protocol should be used?
If you didn't have satisfactory recruitment of follicles maybe a change of protocol, or an increased/decrease dose is required. Our aim is to recruit mature follicles and produce good quality embryos.Maybe it would be a good idea to try Assisted Hatching?

Maybe embryo transfer at the blastocyst stage would help?
Although embryos reaching the blastocyst stage seem to have a high probability of implanting-usually this method is chosen only when a large number of embryos are available because of the danger of reaching the 6th day after oocyte collection and discovering no embryos have developed.

Frequently this solution is taken in couples that have had several embryo transfers on the second or third day with no pregnancy and are prepared to undertake IVF treatment knowing that it might not result in an embryo transfer.

When can I start my next IVF Cycle?

Usually you are asked to wait at least two months for your body to resume its natural rhythm. You will have been subjected to not only to emotional stress but a bombardment of hormones and time is needed for your body to get back to normal.

With the above questions we hope you will feel some wait has been lifted. And more familiar and optimistic to face the next attempt.

Try to control your anxiety and view the following IVF cycle calmer. You will have gained enough information to be able to help you. One advantage is that you know what the treatment involves and fears of the unknown diminished. You will be familiar with the clinic and its staff, and hopefully feel more at ease.


My very best wishes!
