Sunday, Mar 09th

Last updateSun, 21 Feb 2021 9am

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G Nikas2

Kosmogonia Lab. Services



-Determination of the equipment and staffing levels required for the service.

-Preparation of drafts comprising renovation or construction plans as well as details of air-conditioning, electrical, plumbing and services.

-Ergonomics, staff and patient movement within the centre and import/export flow as part of the design process.

-Preparation start-up budgets as well as financial models for assisted conception units

-Information required to construct and/or implement a new assisted conception laboratory, equipment lists, laboratory designs and procedure SOPS.

-Laboratory staff training, with an emphasis on quality control and quality assurance programmes.

-Operational performance reviews of ART laboratories (quality and risk management aspects).

-Product development, assistance in marketing for assisted reproduction centre- ongoing advice.

-External auditing. How competant is your laboratory?



Laboratory designs for fertility clinics, IVF laboratories, andrology laboratories, and cryobiology banks- development and evaluation-troubleshooting and problem prevention .


The new laboratory at  ΜΗΤΕΡΑ
"Lab design, air quality " Fertility, ESHRE 2010 Edition Giles Palmer
Lab Design PDFivf





  fotolia life2  

  Information before, during and after infertility treatment  

 Everything IVF -Ask us about Assisted Reproduction and in  Vitro Fertilization

See all the VIDEOS

Embryo transfer. Fertilisation-IVF. Fertilised Oocyte.
embryolab fert vidfront

The fertilized oocytes are
cultured until the day of
embryo transfer.

100,000 spermatozoa are added to each egg andincubated until the next morning.

The fertilised oocyte.
showing two pronuclei.
One from each









