Sunday, Feb 23rd

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Antioxidants for male subfertility

The quality of men’s sperm is improved by taking extra antioxidants, research in New Zealand has suggested.

Nutrients like magnesium, zinc, vitamin E and L-carnitine can increase sperm cell quality, according to an analysis of 34 studies.

The discovery could help men who are struggling to impregnate their partner.
Researchers working with the Cochrane Library* looked at experiments carried out on male subfertility involving around 2,800 couples. All participants in the experiments were given help to conceive, such as classic IVF or ICSI ( injecting sperm into the women’s egg).

Chemicals known as reactive oxygen species (ROS) are believed to damage cells, especially sperm cells. However, ROS damage can be undermined by taking antioxidants, the  review pointed out.

The researchers concluded that a female partner is more likely to become pregnant if the man is taking antioxidants, although more study is needed to pinpoint which type of antioxidants and in which doses.

When trying to conceive as part of an assisted reproductive programme, it may be advisable to encourage men to take oral antioxidant supplements to improve their partner’s chances of becoming pregnant.

Abstract-Antioxidants for male subfertility

Between 30% to 80% of male subfertility cases are considered to be due to the damaging effects of oxidative stress on sperm. Oral supplementation with antioxidants may improve sperm quality by reducing oxidative stress.  

Objectives-This Cochrane review aimed to evaluate the effect of oral supplementation with antioxidants for male partners of couples undergoing assisted reproduction techniques (ART).
Selection criteria-Included randomised controlled trials comparing any type or dose of antioxidant supplement (single or combined) taken by the male partner of a couple seeking fertility assistance with placebo, no treatment or another antioxidant. The outcomes were live birth, pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, sperm DNA damage, sperm motility, sperm concentration and adverse effects.

Data collection and analysis-Two review authors independently assessed studies for inclusion and trial quality, and extracted data. Included 34 trials with 2876 couples in total.

Live birth: three trials reported live birth. Men taking oral antioxidants had an associated statistically significant increase in live birth rate  when compared with the men taking the control. This result was based on 20 live births from a total of 214 couples in only three studies.

Pregnancy rate: there were 96 pregnancies in 15 trials including 964 couples. Antioxidant use was associated with a statistically significant increased pregnancy rate compared to control.

Side effects: no studies reported evidence of harmful side effects of the antioxidant therapy used.

Authors' conclusions
The evidence suggests that antioxidant supplementation in subfertile males may improve the outcomes of live birth and pregnancy rate for subfertile couples undergoing ART cycles. Further head to head comparisons are necessary to identify the superiority of one antioxidant over another.

Plain language summary

Oxidative stress may cause sperm cell damage. This damage can be reduced by the body's own natural antioxidant defences. Antioxidants can be part of our diet and taken as a supplement. It is believed that in many cases of unexplained subfertility, and also in instances where there may be a sperm-related problem, taking an oral antioxidant supplement may increase a couple's chance of conceiving when undergoing fertility treatment. This review identified 34 randomised controlled trials involving 2876 couples. Pooled findings support increases in live births and pregnancy rates with the use of antioxidants by the male partner. Further work is recommended to confirm these findings.


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Embryo transfer. Fertilisation-IVF. Fertilised Oocyte.
embryolab fert vidfront

The fertilized oocytes are
cultured until the day of
embryo transfer.

100,000 spermatozoa are added to each egg andincubated until the next morning.

The fertilised oocyte.
showing two pronuclei.
One from each









