Preparing for Pregnancy.
The goal of kosmogonia is to assist in the conception of healthy children. It is important that both the female and male are living a healthy lifestyle in order to increase the ability to conceive and to have a healthy child. It is impossible to be aware of all possible factors that may cause pregnancy or fetal complications.
Nevertheless, common sense avoidance of known toxins and a healthy lifestyle represent a reasonable approach while attempting pregnancy and being pregnant.
The following are pre-conception recommendations
Genetic Diseases Prenatal Screening:
It is recommended that couples consider preconception testing of the following ethnically appropriate genetic after consultation with their physician.
Some couples may decline testing while others may choose to proceed. Referral to a genetic counselor for more in depth information is recommended if so desired.
Cystic Fibrosis (Caucasian) - the carrier rate in people with no family history is 1 in 26.
β- Thalassemia (Mediterranean)
Tay Sachs, Canavans, Gaucher (Jewish) and Tay Sachs (French Canadian/Cajun)
Sickle Cell Anemia (African American)
Rubella/Varicella Titre and Vaccine:
Rubella is a communicable virus, which typically causes low-grade fever, upper respiratory symptoms and a diffuse red rash. In childhood, this infection is usually mild. However, if contracted during pregnancy, this disease can have severe effects on the developing fetus.
Varicella (Chickenpox) is also a communicable disease and now there is a vaccine available.
If you have not been tested for rubella/varicella immunity, we advise that this be done. If there is no immunity, we recommend that you be vaccinated for rubella and then wait one month before trying to conceive, as it is a live vaccine.
If you know that you never had chickenpox or the immunization or you are not sure, then you should be tested for Varicella immunity. If there is no immunity, we recommend that you be vaccinated for Varicella and then wait one month before trying to conceive, as it is a live vaccine.
Diet and Vitamin Supplementation:
Female: A healthy balanced diet composed of fresh foods that are not processed or overcooked is one of the best things you can do for yourselves and your future offspring. Children who start life well nourished have a distinct advantage in their intellectual capacity and ability to fight disease.
A recent study (N Engl. J Med 2000; 343:1839-45) has found that the ingestion of caffeine may increase the risk of an early spontaneous miscarriage among non-smoking women carrying fetuses with normal karyotypes (chromosomes). Reducing caffeine intake during early pregnancy may be prudent. The study suggests that pregnant women curtail their consumption of coffee to two cups of coffee per day.
A multi-vitamin containing folic acid (0.4-0.8 mg/day) is a good adjunct to dietary nutrition. Vitamin use should be started prior to attempting pregnancy.
There are concerns of the consumption of mercury in fish and shellfish. It is recommended that women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not eat shark, swordfish, King Mackerel, due to their high levels of mercury .It is still recommended to eat two servings of other fish or shellfish due to their high quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and low saturated fats.
Exercise and Weight Management:
Female: For optimal fertility you should try to maintain your ideal weight. If you are significantly overweight or underweight you can develop ovulation problems. Exercise regularly -staying fit will help control your weight and will keep your body strong enough to carry a pregnancy more easily. However, excessive exercise, which burns more than 2000 to 4000 calories per week, may impair ovulation in some women.
Emotional Aspects of Infertility Treatment
Couples undergoing infertility treatment are subjected to a substantial degree of stress and an emotional upheaval. With each step in the diagnostic work-up and treatment, physical, emotional and financial investments become greater. Because of this, the monthly disappointments can become magnified. Couples feel the strain in many areas of their life. People also react to stress differently, which can lead to communication problems with their partner and family.
Sharing information with another couple who has had problems with fertility can be very helpful. In Greece several fertility support societies exist that meet regulary such as Kiveli and magna mater.
Individual counseling by psychologists can be helpful on a short and long-term basis for dealing with relationship problems that may be encountered during your infertility treatment.
Becoming knowledgeable about infertility can help you deal with the medical and emotional aspects of your situation. a great deal of excellent on-line and printed information is available.
Setting goals as a couple regarding how far you are willing to go with your treatment plan. These communicated feelings will have a bearing on the limits of treatment that you set.
Take short breaks from your infertility treatment. Try not to make it the sole focus of your life. Pursue the other aspects of your relationship with your partner. Remember the interests that brought you together in the first place. Enjoy intercourse during the non-fertile times of the month. It is different than "making a baby" during the fertile period.