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Last updateSun, 21 Feb 2021 9am

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Precision Embryology

"A better understanding of the physiology to culture pre-implantation embryos to the blastocyst stage, the advent of timelapse, the success of vitrified ( frozen thawed) embryo transfers,the development of PGT by advances in genetic testing and using the technologies of machine learning and artificial intelligence we have the ability and means to now enter a new IVF era of "precision embryology". 

Precision Embryology, the phrase perhaps first coined by Luca de Toni in 2016 describing the implimementation of the "omic" sciences in assisted reproduction, then by Marcos Mesenguer is now being used today for the adoption of all the latest IVF techniques to produce a treatment strategy more personalised and data driven.
Giles Palmer
Assisted Reproductive Technology, Stem Cell and Biomedical Specialist
The modern IVF laboratory needs to move into the biotechnology arena and with growing evidence of the effects of poor laboratory conditions and poor air quality effecting embryo development and pregnancy rates after IVF better conditions for the culturing of pre-implantation embryos are being explored.

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The Shellbe modular cleanroom designed for Assisted Reproduction. (Dittel Engineering and AIT).

A quick guide:
The modular system Video 
Connectibility Video
Construction Timeline Video ...................................                                                         

Why Shellbe?

26 years in the field of cleanroom engineering produces the widely applicable modular cleanroom, customizable and transportable "Shellbe".
Simple and complex, temporary or permanant, the Shellbe is a highly sophisticated cleanroom technology unit-usable in the fields of aseptic and non aseptic technologies.

shellbe at confernce

The winner of the cleanroom innovation award voted on by exhibitors and visitors to Cleanzone 2016.

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Ideal for any type of transportation to site.

No heavy equipment needed for installation.

Flat pack design.

Zero level to 1.6m above ground.

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Modular installation-easy to expand or relocate.

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Modular parts means easy to design.

Dimensions: 6m x 6m x 3.4, 6m x 3m x 3.3m. Expandable in increments.

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HVAC: Standard Climate units for each Shellbe.

Filtration Systems.
FFU Systems,

Locking Systems: Venous scanning, transponder batch; standard system.

Monitoring: Temp; humidity, pressure, air speed, P+M-Logistic

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Flexible and easy to assemble.

Quick and Upgradable.

Cost effective.

Transport ready:
3 units in one container. Largest component 3m wide, 25Kg.

Withstands -70C to 80C.


Shellbe modular cleanroom  for Assisted Reproduction contact Giles Palmer Assisted Reproductive Technology Specialist.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board or  Dittel Engineering or AIT.
Check out out new website:




CRYOGOVERNANCE is the total management of procuring, processing, storing, transporting and thawing of biological samples stored at cryogenic temperature
More specifically,
CRYOGOVERNANCE is the way an organisation or individual processes and handles frozen biological samples. The way it manages the storage and transportation; covering areas such as the safety, traceability, custody, record keeping and informational aspects of its frozen state throughout its duration in cryogenic temperatures.

In the case of storage of Human cells used for assisted reproduction, biomedical therapy or research it would also include issues of confidentiality and data protection.

