Monday, Mar 10th

Last updateSun, 21 Feb 2021 9am

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G Nikas2

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

In this procedure the gynaecologist examines the cavity of the uterus, cervix and the uterus / fallopian tube junctions. In other words, the interior of the uterus.
Diagnosis can be formed on different conditions that affect fertility such as adhesions, polyps, fibroids and uterine malformations.
This technique uses a tiny surgical camera (Hysteroscope) connected to a monitor enabling the gynaecologist to visualize the inside of the reproductive system.
The Hysteroscope is inserted vaginally and needs no incisions (as opposed to the Laparoscopy).

Usually, it is performed not under general anaesthetic but with local anaesthetic only or slight sedation.

The patient can leave the hospital a few hours afterwards.


The view of the inner cavity of the uterus during the Hysteroscopy
