Sunday, Mar 09th

Last updateSun, 21 Feb 2021 9am

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G Nikas2



Aim: to certify competence of clinical embryologists working in IVF

Today's embryologists require a foundation to prepare for and adapt to the new technologies, understand the relevance and application of advances in cell biology and genetics and apply good clinical practice.
It is essential that those dedicated to achieving high professional standards should be able to obtain certification that demonstrates their levels of expertise and knowledge.
Many young scientist have a masters degree but no work experience.

What is Accreditation?
-to recognize a person as maintaining standards that qualify for inclusion for a professional  position or practice

Reasons for Accreditation
1. Accreditation provides a means of reassuring patients and employers clinical that an embryologist meets standards of organisation and performance.

2.Education continuing education and create a professional body that is open to learning
3. Helps the institution to know its strengths, weaknesses and gives peke a new sense of direction and identity
4. Negotiate better salary with sources of payment
5.  Professional self-respect

Background for Eshre accreditation.
Today's embryologists require a foundation to prepare for and adapt to the new technologies, understand the relevance and application of advances in cell biology and genetics and apply good clinical practice

The establishment of clinical embryology as a professional status and standards on an international basis has thus become imperative.

A basic system has been devised, which provides two levels of certification running on three different tracks;

(1) an initial fast-track for the “oldies”, those senior-senior clinical embryologists with a laboratory director position and at least ten years’ working experience in human ART labs;
(2) a regular track for senior level clinical embryologists and
(3) a regular track for clinical embryologists. The initial fast track for the experienced senior embryologists has now been finalised, and the timelines


