Sunday, Mar 09th

Last updateSun, 21 Feb 2021 9am

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IVF Developments

A successful meeting on “Developments in the field of Assisted Reproduction” by Clinical Embryologists of the Assisted Conception Unit was held at Mitera Hospital, Athens on 2nd December.




The first talk by Dora Botzaki described the challenges of male infertility treatment past and present and the twenty years following the revolutionary technique ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) in 1992.

Afroditi Sialakouma then presented scientific data to a packed audience of Biologists, Andrologists and Gynecologists on the latest modification to treating the male patient; describing the new techniques IMSI (intra-cytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection) and PICSI (physiological ICSI). A glimpse into the near future was shown by the latest work involving micro-robotics in the IVF Laboratory.

Finally Giles Palmer, Senior Embryologist and Director of the Unit addressed the audience with a Talk entitled “ Morpho-kinetic studies of embryo development in In vitro embryos” presenting slides and rare videos of observation of the developing embryo from inside the IVF incubator!
This new way of monitoring embryos in vitro holds the key in selecting the best embryo for embryo transfer based on growth parameters that are normally missed by current IVF methods.



network Ενημέρωση / information booklets
Παρουσιάσεις / slideshow
βίντεο / videos 1
βίντεο/ videos 2
Φωτογραφίες / photographs
