Sunday, Mar 09th

Last updateSun, 21 Feb 2021 9am

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The data of ESHRE (EIM)


Techniques improved, experience gained

The ESHRE European Monitoring Consortium has been collecting data since 1997, the most recent data analysis is from the year 2005 where a total of 420,000 Art cycles were reported from 30 countries.

What have we learnt over all these years of collecting data?

We can see there is no one European picture-
Huge differences in success rates, number of embryos transferred and multiple pregnancies are seen.

Europe is a patchwork of different legislation-different national laws, regulations and professional attitudes fuelling cross border travel for thousands of people every year.
This Patient mobility is an important source of how political, economical and religious factors influence Healthcare in a particulate country.

We have seen an explosion in the use of ICSI:
The micro injection technique first used in 1992 was a great advance in the treatment of male fertility is now being used more frequent than Classic fertilization-when the spermatozoa are incubated overnight with the oocytes.


Preferences occur from country to country-The use of ICSI is around 40% in the UK compared with 75-85% in Italy, Spain and Switzerland


One Trend over time which is reassuring is the Steady rise in overall pregnancy rates after IVF.


ESHRE Data is recovered either from national registries or ….on a voluntary basis in countries that do not have one- Anyone interested in more extensive IVF figures can be gathered from web published data

from Australia
from UK

from USA

