Sunday, Mar 09th

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Time lapse video & Embryo development


Advances in equipment to monitor embryos using low levels of light not harmful to pre-implantation embryos are now being increasing used in the IVF lab.
These innovations give:
-a real time image of the developing embryo inside the IVF incubator.
- an accurate account of cellular and development events rarely followed
-improved assessment of embryos for embryo transfer
-capability of mathematical analysis of embryos using special software
-remote monitoring of embryos from outside the lab, such as the embryologists office or smart phone
-no electromagnetic interference





  Choosing embryo for transfer:More precision

A: Embryos with fast development patterns and outside the normal time-frame

B:Embryos within normal developmental division patterns

C: Embryo with slow and abnormal rates of cell


 -see more videos!

-See Scientific Presentation




“This means we can follow the growing embryo any time and from anywhere. Decisions regarding the best embryo(s) for embryo transfer relied on the embryologist removing the embryos from the incubator to view them with the use of a microscope now , we need not rely on a single observation; we can follow their development and  access which have the better implantation potential". GAP


Scientific papers that support the time lapse based approach


M. Montag et al. (2010): Time-lapse based evaluation of human oocytes from ICSI up to the pronuclear stage.Human Reproduction – 25 (Supplement 1): 170-210.

D. Hlinka et al. (2010): Permanent embryo monitoring and exact timing of early cleavages allow reliable prediction of human embryo viability.

Human Reproduction – 25 (Supplement 1): 170-210.

C. Pribenszky et al. (2010): Case report: Pregnancy achieved by transfer of a single blastocyst selected by timelapse monitoring.


Palmer Gartner curve time lapse ivf


Palmer-Gartner Hype curve of Laboratory implimentation of new techiniques

Reproductive BioMedicine Online – in press, available online 20 July 2010

C. Pribenszky et al. (2010): Prediction of in-vitro developmentalcompetence of early cleavage-stage mouse embryos with compact time-lapse equipment. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 20, 371-379.

R. Beraldi et al. (2003): Mouse early embryos obtained by natural breeding or in vitro fertilization display a differential sensitivity to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. Mutatation Research 538. 163-170.




New Technologies in The lab and IVF success: Gartner Palmer Curve:


Precision Embryology being the adoption of all the newest IVF techniques to produce a treatment strategy more personalised with better timing of embryo transfer.



